medical alert bracelet

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childhood asthma
coronary heart disease
alzheimers carebronchial asthmaepilepsy
Medical Alert Jewelry can save your life..
About Us & Why medical alert bracelets
medical alert
alzheimers care

My wife and I decided to publish this site because of the large number of children that we deal with everyday in our pharmacy/clinic setting. Many of these children have asthma allergies, medical conditions; such as childhood or bronchial asthma, diabetes or information that emergency personnel should know to effectively treat them in case of an emergency and do not have proper medical id on them. We hope that through this site we can raise the awareness to the importance of medical alert bracelets for identification to everyone.

Please help us and tell your family, friends, and co-workers about this important emergency product. You will probably be amazed at the responses. Everything from "I haven't gotten around to ordering one yet", to "my mother is with me at all times so she doesn't need one." We have tried to give examples of situations in which a medical id bracelet could play an important role, and some medical conditions that are in serious need for proper identification in an emergency. (such as Alzheimer's Care in our graying society)



medical alert bracelet

Appomattox Drug Store * PO Box 489 * Appomattox, VA * 24522